Building Bridges: Annual Fund Chairs

As Christian parents, it is our responsibility to raise our children to be sons and daughters of Christ. To encourage, guide, love and support them. As parents, it is also our job to make sure that our children receive the best education possible and to prepare them for the future. During the 10 month school year, children will spend more awake hours in school than they do at home. This fact encouraged us to find a school where the faculty would treat our son like family each day – encouraging him, guiding him, and instilling Christian values to face life’s challenges. A school that would partner with us on raising a son of Christ, while providing a strong education as well. This is exactly what we found at Brainerd Baptist School. Not only do the faculty pour themselves into the students academically, but they are also committed to growing the students spiritually.

Every morning as the students arrive at school, they are greeted by welcoming smiles, warm hugs and high fives. We are constantly amazed at how the faculty truly know each and every student that walks up and down the halls. BBS is more than just a school. It is a family. It is a community. It just seems to come naturally for the BBS faculty to create an encouraging and fun environment that the students want to come back to each day. I (Sarah) know that I received a quality education at BBS. But I don’t think I truly appreciated how much I learned at BBS until seeing it now as a parent. The level of education provided is second to none. When students graduate from BBS and move on to the next level, they are prepared to excel academically at whatever school they attend. They are ready.

Tuition funds the operations of the school. But donations to the Annual Fund provide the school with resources to enhance the overall environment and experience for our children and students to come. Enhancements, such as the STEM lab, the school remodel a few years ago and the new entrance. When we give, we all want it to go to something that we love and believe in. We can confidently say we believe in Brainerd Baptist School. We are committed to give our time and resources to this amazing place. Please join us in showing your love and appreciation to BBS by supporting the Annual Fund.

Sarah and Scott Paone

Every year, every gift makes a difference

Our annual fund, Building Bridges, is the most important source of revenue available to Brainerd Baptist School aside from tuition.  The funds raised provide operating monies that support the ongoing work at the school and bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a student.  A successful annual fund drive helps keep tuition as affordable as possible for students and their families.  We hope you will prayerfully consider donating.  Our goal is 100% participation among parents, faculty, and staff. Your gift will help us remain one of the finest Christian schools in Chattanooga, TN. 

Supporting our Annual Fund demonstrates your belief in the mission and vision of our school, as well as your dedication to its continued success.  Thank you for your support!


Heritage $10,000+

Foundations $5,000-$9,999

1953 $1,953-$4,999

Sustainers $1,000-$1,952

Fonza Miller Barkley $500-$999

Blue & White $250-$499

Friends Up to $249