Before School Care
Before School Care is available from 7:00 a.m. until school begins at no additional charge. For safety reasons, students in K2 - K4 must be signed in by their parent/guardian. No student should be in the class or in the hallway before 8:00 a.m.

After School Care
If your child’s school day ends before yours does, After School Care is the answer! There is a fifteen-minute window for pick-up and then children remaining automatically go to After School Care. K-3 and napping K-4 students relax on their own cot for a well desired rest time. K-4 students who do not nap have a quiet play time.

After nap, everyone is up and ready to play! At 3:00, after their pick-up time, kindergarten students are dismissed to join the fun. After a snack, everyone heads outside to the playground. First graders are added to the mix at 3:30. 2nd and 3rd grades are gathered to grab a snack before heading off to the playground as well. Finally, at 3:45, 4th and 5th are dismissed to join the fun!

Weather permitting, children enjoy running and playing with friends on the playground. When it’s time to come inside, children choose from a variety of games, Legos, other favorites, or on a rainy day, watch a movie. Just one warning – occasionally you might hear a child crying – but don’t be too concerned. It’s time to go home and someone isn’t ready! By 6:00, the lights go out and everyone goes home – happy, hungry and tired!

BBS uses brightwheel for student sign-in and out to ASC. Each parent creates an account, and uses their PIN number when picking up their child(ren). The cost is $7.00 per hour and are invoiced through brightwheel each week.

We are happy to offer extracurricular activities for our students. Opportunities change throughout the year and this page will updated to reflect the most current offerings. Extracurricular activities are offered by outside entities and they will provide details for each class offering when contacted.