Parent Support Organization


As a BBS parent you are already a member of the pso…

Parent engagement in school activities is a crucial part of the strength of our community. Helping children succeed is a shared responsibility for us all. Our PSO works to support the school in many ways by promoting unity, cooperation, and involvement.

Whether helping with homework, supporting a fundraising event, or volunteering as a member of PSO, families are partners in their children's education. Parental involvement in all areas leads to improved student success and an enriched learning environment.

The objectives of our Parent Support Organization are:

  • To nurture communication and goodwill among parents, students, administration, faculty, the School Board and Brainerd Baptist Church.

  • To promote fund-raising projects and services that will contribute positively to the school’s goals and objectives.

  • To develop between the administration, faculty, parents and students such united efforts as will secure for the students of Brainerd Baptist

  • School opportunities for excellence, and integrity in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.

 Each family is asked to:

  • Complete at least 10 hours of service to the school and you can record your hours online HERE