Tristen Lowery, K2 Teacher

B.S. – University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

Tristen was born and lived in Memphis, TN, until her early teenage years, but moved to Chattanooga with her family and calls it home. She attended UTC and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. After graduating in May of 2021, she married her husband, Tyler, in July and began her teaching career in August, where she spent two years as a 2nd-grade teacher at Bess T. Shepherd Elementary. In April of 2023, she and Tyler welcomed their first baby, Tripp, into the world. Since then, she felt called to take a step back in teaching full-time and took a part-time position, as she was a K2 assistant last school year and now a K2 teacher. She is blessed she is able to prioritize being a mom while continuing to help children learn and grow in the classroom!

Tristen and Tyler are members at Silverdale Baptist Church and enjoy spending time with family, friends, and their dog, Tank. She also enjoys working out, shopping, and traveling. One of her favorite Bible verses is 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because he cares for you.