Tina Bowen, Development Office

Tina attended Trevecca Nazarene University before moving to Whitefish, Montana to work in ministry with her husband Jack.  They have been married for 26 years and have two children, Abigail and Eli. Both children are alumni of Brainerd Baptist School and went on to complete middle and high school at Baylor School. Abigail is now married, has graduated nursing school, and is an oncology nurse. Eli is a senior studying Finance at Samford University. 

In her free time, Tina loves reading (especially with her book club) and gardening. She and Jack have a love for world travel and explore new places as often as possible.

Tina began working at Brainerd Baptist School in August 2010.  She enjoyed working in the classroom as an assistant for several years before moving to Development.  She has a love for Brainerd Baptist and its mission to develop children into their full potential. She believes that Brainerd Baptist stands alone when compared to other schools of its kind.