New Grading Policy for 2024-25

Over the past few months, teachers at Brainerd Baptist School have collaborated to develop a new grading policy aimed at ensuring consistency across 1st - 5th grades. Historically, different grade levels have adopted their own grading policies, leading to discrepancies and confusion among parents and teachers regarding expectations from year to year. To address this issue, a committee was formed with teachers representing multiple grade levels. Serving on this committee were Abby Souder, Katie Adams, Jesse Robinson, Vikki Cole, Mindi Shoup, and Missy Henson. This group then met with each grade level to hear concerns and frustrations and also explored grading practices employed by other schools.

The objective was to formulate a clear and uniform grading policy that could be applicable across all grade levels and teachers. Starting in August during registration, our faculty will introduce and explain the new policy to parents. However, we also wanted to share it here for those overachieving parents (because, let's be honest, who else would be reading a blog about a new grading policy in May!).

The revised policy primarily focuses on two key areas requiring greater clarity: makeup work and retesting

Grading Policy

A fair grading system should accurately match student performance and effort as they demonstrate content understanding and include flexibility to meet individual needs.

Retesting (at teacher discretion): 

  • If a student fails a graded test or assignment they may be given a chance to make corrections to their work 

  • The teacher will give partial credit for the corrected work up to a grade of 74.

  • The teacher will make a note in the gradebook that the new grade reflects the corrections made.

  • After multiple retests, a parent conference will be called to discuss an action plan with the possibility of academic testing. The Learning Center will be notified and may be invited to this conference.


  • If an AR test is used as a recorded grade, teachers may allow one retest per quarter for a failing grade (below 70).

Makeup Work

Illness/Medical Absence & Bereavement

  • If a student misses school due to illness or bereavement, the makeup work will be given to the student upon their return to school or can be picked up/sent home with a sibling at the end of the school day.

  • The student should have the work completed in the amount of days equal to the days they were absent.

Planned Absence

  • If a student misses school due to travel, reading material may be provided ahead of time, but the remainder of the work will be given to the student upon their return to school.

  • The student should have the work completed in the amount of days equal to the days they were absent.

Missing Work:

  • If a student is missing work due to organizational skills, memory, or lack of self-management, the teacher has the discretionary option to provide the student with an opportunity to gain partial credit.

  • If a student is missing work due to habitual tardiness (eight or more tardies), they will be required to return the completed work the following morning. 

We believe this new policy will better serve our students (and parents) by giving clear expectations and also help us, as a school, to be more consistent with grading across all grade levels. If you have questions or would like to discuss further, please call or email me.

Sean Corcoran