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School-Wide News

1st Grade Overview

November 2 - 8

Phonics: We will work on digraph sh and oo and review letters X and Y. 

Assessment: November 8th

Spelling: Spelling list 7 test will be on Friday, November 8th.

see, red, that, this, back, sign, bring, think, green, three, are, from

  1. The bag is from Pam.

  2. I think we can go.

Foundations and Frameworks: 

We will begin Visualization and work on it throughout November.

MATH: We will work on combinations making tens and teens.

Assessment: Unit 3 - November 15th 


We will independently recite the Hedgehog poem by November 8th.


The hedgehog sleeps the winter through.

He doesn’t get up like me or you.

Nobody pulls him out of bed.

Nobody calls him a sleepy head.

He doesn’t get up till the flowers are out.

What do you think he dreams about?


  1. Thanksgiving lunch is Friday, November 22nd. Thanksgiving break is November 25th-29th with school resuming on Monday, December 2nd.

  2. SAVE THE DATES for these two field trips: January 24th to the Creative Discovery Museum (9-11a.m.) and April 25th to the Knoxville Zoo (all day) - parent drivers for both. 

  3. Please help your child unload their homework folder and allow them to read to you each night for 10-15 minutes. 

  4. Snacks: No cookies, potato chips, or candy, please. Students may bring a small healthy snack to school each day. If you choose to send a snack, please send a nutritional snack that is quick and easy to eat. Students cannot use a refrigerator or a microwave for their snacks. Snacks are not a requirement; they are an option.